Liberate the True Self 

By Wade Lee Hudson

When we drop our masks, personas, roles, labels, descriptors, superficial identities, we get real. 

We liberate our true Self. 

We’re present, honest, spontaneous, responsive, authentic, free-wheeling, loving. 

We dance like no one is watching and we sing in the shower. 

We make it up as we go. 

We’re other-centered.

We’re aware, pay attention, listen, and care for ourselves so we can better serve others. 

We give without needing anything in return. 

We do the right thing regardless of consequences. 

We no longer feel we have to prove anything to anyone.

We accept praise if it comes like it’s icing on the cake.

The work is ours but not the fruits thereof. (Bhagavad Gita)

We “make no effort to gain either reputation or obscurity.” (Albert Camus)

We remember that our suffering is nothing compared to the suffering of others. 

We know we could go there but for the grace of God.  

We identify as a member of the human family. 

We respect everyone’s essential equality.

We feel the life force course through our bodies. 

We go down deep and connect with the Ground of Being. 

We connect with other beings and life itself, the Earth Community.

We are in each other, distinct but not separate.

We commune with Mother Nature and live in harmony with Her. 

We feel the Holy Spirit and honor the Creator.

We form co-equal partnerships, collaborate, solve problems, empower each other, enhance everyone’s leadership, promote democratic equality throughout society. 

We engage in open, supportive, intimate, trusting, mutual dialogs rooted in active listening.

We help each other learn and grow.

We undo divisive, self-centered, hyper-competitive social conditioning.

We want everyone to be all they can be as full and equal members of society.

We aim to assure that everyone can make ends meet, live creative and meaningful lives, explore their curiosity, love each other and the environment, be courageous and self-confident, and face reality clearly.

We’re calm, grounded, patient, persistent, dedicated, and playful, and don’t take ourselves too seriously, appreciating the Absurd. 

We know that what we don’t know is far greater than what we do know.

We never stop learning.

We embrace Mystery.

We frequently make mistakes.

We accept finitude, death, and perpetual change.

When others’ actions lead us to feel hurt, we aren’t devastated and don’t respond judgmentally. 

We aim to understand others as best we can, realizing we can’t get inside their skin or read their minds. 

We know all words fall short. That’s why we need poets, artists, songwriters. 

We know labels and ideologies are deadly. That’s why we affirm values, principles, and a worldview that advances compassionate humanity. 

We pursue Truth, Justice, and Beauty. 

We aim to be the change we seek, serve as a good example, and create models for the future. 

We live as we want others to live and accept they may do the same.

When we use physical force to stop violent harm, we use the minimal amount necessary.

We never want to hurt anyone. 

We love our “enemies.” (Jesus of Nazareth)

We dominate others only when it’s necessary to protect the vulnerable. 

We seek power-with for collective benefit, not power for personal gain.

We promote economic security for all so everyone can relax, live in comfort, enjoy family, friends, and their work, and advance justice. 

We change the world so it will better nurture compassionate communities.

We help grow broad, united, nonviolent grassroots movements that build momentum by establishing policies that relieve suffering.

We’re holistic. We embrace the whole person and the whole world.

We’re systemic. We connect the dots and see how everything interacts.

We promote the holistic and systemic transformation of our world into a compassionate community that serves humanity, the environment, and life itself.

We aim to be true to our true Self and inspire others to do the same.